To:       All Branch Secretaries


            NEC Members                                                                                           

11th June 2013


Dear Colleague,

Thompson’s Solicitors – Free Legal Helpline

 Owing to a significant change in the way solicitors are allowed to accrue cases, directly consequential on the Jackson report and the resultant legal provisions made by Government, Thompson’s Solicitors are no longer able to offer NARPO members the facility of a free legal helpline. That facility will be withdrawn by Thompson’s with immediate effect.


Our long standing relationship with Thompson’s Solicitors will however continue and the offer of other legal services by the company remains, in particular the offer of free personal injury claims. This is a valuable benefit in the current market, where again resulting from changes in solicitor practice, firms are beginning to charge significant success fees in personal injury cases. Further details of the free personal injury facility will appear in NARPO News.


Legal Helpline advice is available from other solicitors with an association with NARPO as advertised in NARPO News and at our website at




Yours sincerely,



Clint Elliott QPM

Chief Executive